Just as you want to enter the hidden secret cave, you will be interrupted by a rather scary-looking spirit. He will ask you if you want to face Masakado. When you get inside the cave, you’ll realize that the spirit is Masakado himself! And he’s a tough cookie to crack!

In this guide, we are going to show you what needs to be done in order to take down Masakado Superboss with just a couple of moves. Let’s get started.

Masakado Superboss Fight Guide – Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

Team Layout

Masakado is very difficult to hit due to his skills and powers. He does not come with a lot of HP but when he strikes you it will hurt and drain a lot of points. That’s why this team composition works best:

  • Demeter
  • Cleopatra
  • Mara

These side characters will buff up your main one and allow you to deal a very powerful strike.

Tactics for Taking Down Masakado

The best way to take down Masakado is not to let him play a turn. He does a lot of DMG and if he hits you once, you’ll lose a lot of time trying to heal.

Step 1 – Charge

Activate charge with your main character as soon as the battle starts.

Step 2 – Luster Candy

When playing with Demeter as your second turn, simply navigate to the skill called Luster Candy. This will give you the buff and extra attack you need for an ultimate killing move.

Step 3 – Frolic

Now it’s Cleopatra’s turn. You need to activate the Frolic skill on him. You might miss this one, but if you do hit the boss, he will be stunned and with his defenses lowered.

Step 4 – Omagatoki: Savage

When playing with Mara you just need to do the Omagatoki Savage skill. This will double any type of DMG you deal with your characters.

Final Step – Murakumo

Now just go back to your main character by passing the turn from the others. Activate Murakumo as your attack skill and the boss with go down with one strike. Congratulations!

We hope that this guide has helped you out in taking down Masakado Superboss in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Good luck!

ALSO READ: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance – Things To Know Before Purchasing

By NikolaZ

Playing games was something that I was passionate about. From FPS games and all the way to RPG's. I love it all. Writing articles about them and trying to find solutions for many puzzles is something that I started to enjoy. Spreading out the latest news about gaming to the community is a great thing to do. It brings all of us gamers together!